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You may continue your financial support of Hillcrest's ministries through the Givelify app, mailing your check via the US mail or arranging automatic drafts.  If you wish to arrange automatic drafts, download the form, fill it out and mail it to the church or drop it in the mailbox by the lower-level door in the back of the church. 


Believing that money empowers ministry, Hillcrest Christian Church is committed to providing giving opportunities so the reach of Jesus Christ can be extended beyond our congregation. Indeed, the “sun never sets” on the ministry we share through our financial giving.


Through our support of the Disciples Mission Fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we help make possible a variety of ministries, including Disciples colleges and universities, the establishment of new congregations, and mission work around the globe. Hillcrest also receives offerings for Week of Compassion—the Disciples relief, refugee, and development fund—and Reconciliation, which funds pro-reconciliation/anti-racism ministries.

Children at Hillcrest reach out financially through contributions to the “Piggy Bank” during the Sunday worship Children’s message. Those funds are then utilized by Heifer International to purchase livestock for communities in developing countries.

If you wish to provide financial support, you may participate in the offering portion of our service each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. or you may choose another option below anytime.

Ways you can donate:

In Person

Donate during service.



Download the app to give.

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